Sunday, 6 December 2009


I found the whole editing experience enjoyable and have furthered my skills in adobe as a result of editing this project. Below is a brief explanation of the editing process.

First of all, we had to capture all our footage and logged the footage we were using and also the footage that we didnt need. This was a lengthy process as we had three tapes of footage.

We then started the documentary with the voxpops we filmed. We selected the most suitable and then put them in an order so that the ages varied from one shot to another. Here is a screen grab below.

Next we started editing the opening sequence. We quickened the footage were people are taking the sweets, were at first it kept on jumping but then we rendered the footage and it was much smoother. Also the last shot were there is a zoom on the sweet, has been faded to black to show it's the end of then shot. We also added the song "Lollipop" by the charlatans and made sure it finished when the clip had finished to add effect. Below is a screen grap of the opening sequence.

Next we added several cutaways, so that we could have a voice over to introduce the programme. Meanwhile the song "lollipop! by mika is playing. Then our first interview with the shop worker is used. We edited the questions we wanted and in what order and then added the appropriate cutaways that linked to the questions.

After this we yet again added a few cutaways in order for the voiceover to introduce the next interview. The next interview was with the elderly woman and the young girl. We had to make sure the questions led into each other for example if the girl answered "how much do you spend a week on sweets?" then the woman would answer it next, so the audience could compare the answers. We also included several cutaways to link in with answers and added effects such as speeding up the footage where the camera tracks forward into a shop. At the end of the footage we faded out of the interview and the music also came to a stop to show it was the end of a scene.

The next part of the documentary is the interview with the children talking about what their fantasy world would be like. At the beginning we use the shot of archive footage from the film "Charlie and the chocolate factory", and we have also chosen a track from the film to go underneath the footage. On the interview with the children, the footage is very grainy and so we have tried to play with the audio levels to make it sound better. Once again we have added cutaways that tie in with the questions.

Moreover to all the interviews we had to edit the interviewees names onto the screen as a code and convention. This is done by pressing F9.

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